AP® Computer Science A Lecture 4

Presented by TU RUIXUAN
Copyright © TU RUIXUAN, All Rights Reserved
Tailored for College Board® Advanced Placement® Program
According to Course and Exam Description Effective Fall 2020

Contents (AP CED Equivalent)

  • Practice

H 4.1: Time

  • Description
    • There are nn persons waiting in queue for lunch, and tit_i (i[1,n]i \in [1,n]) is the estimated waiting time for person numbered ii.
    • Please calculate the minimal total time cost by all persons in queue.
  • Input Format
    • Line 11 contains an integer nn.
    • Line 22 contains nn integers of tit_i.
  • Output Format
    • Line 11 contains the minimal total waiting time.
  • Useful Function
// java.util.Arrays
public static void sort(int[] arr, int from_Index, int to_Index)

\darr Sample \darr

Sample Input

56 12 1 99 1000 234 33 55 99 812

Sample Output


H 4.2: Family

  • Description
    • A family contains at least two persons (sometimes a.k.a. parents) or more if they have a child or children.
    • In a family tree, we pretend all assets of a couple belongs to one of them and ignore another, but we treat the last generation of children who have not married seperately.
    • There are nn persons in the family tree, and every person has a name aia_i, assets which value bib_i, and a list of descendants lil_i with a length of eie_i.
    • In general, parents, grandparents, and ancestors can borrow money from their descendants.
    • You will have mm queries of persons, and you should give the amount of assets sis_i that each person qiq_i can use in maximum respectively.

\darr Format \darr

  • Input Format
    • Line 11 contains an integer nn.
    • Line 3i+23i+2 (i[0,n)i\in[0,n)) contains a string pip_i, the parent's name. (For the first person, ROOT, as no one is on the tree)
    • Line 3i+33i+3 contains a string aia_i, the person's name.
    • Line 3i+43i+4 contains two integers bib_i, the value of assets.
    • Line 3n+23n+2 contains an integer mm, the number of queries.
    • Line 3n+33n+3 to 3n+2+m3n+2+m contains mm integers of qiq_i, the asked names.
  • Output Format
    • There are mm lines of output, and every line contains an integer sis_i.

\darr Sample \darr

Sample Input (SCROLL)


Sample Output


\darr Explaination \darr

  • Query 11: Mark/A=Mark+Mike+Kevin/A=3+5+8+2+9+3=30\text{Mark/A}=\text{Mark}+\text{Mike}+\text{Kevin/A}=3+5+8+2+9+3=30
  • Query 22: Kevin/A=Kevin+Smith+Cindy/A=8+2+9+3=22\text{Kevin/A}=\text{Kevin}+\text{Smith}+\text{Cindy/A}=8+2+9+3=22
  • Query 33: Cindy/A=Cindy+Alex=9+3=12\text{Cindy/A}=\text{Cindy}+\text{Alex}=9+3=12

\darr Note \darr

  • Except for the first person, there will be no parent name that appears before declaration.
  • There will be at least one person on the tree.
  • Please contain all classes into one source file. However, there can be only one public class, so other auxiliary classes without the main function should be declared as class.

H 5.1: Cubic

(© China National Olympiad in Informatics in Provinces)

  • Description
    • The format of a cubic equation is ax3+bx2+cx+dax^3+bx^2+cx+d.
    • You are given aa, bb, cc, and dd, and the equation has three solutions. The absolute value of the difference of any two solutions is larger than 11. All solutions are in [100,100][-100,100].
    • Please note, for two points x1x_1 and x2x_2 (x1<x2x_1<x_2) of a cubic function f(x)=0f(x)=0, if f(x1)f(x2)<0f(x_1)\cdot f(x_2)<0, there should be a solution between x1x_1 and x2x_2.
    • Please calculate the three real solutions of the equation.
  • Input Format
    • A line contains four real numbers aa, bb, cc, and dd.
  • Output Format
    • A line contains three real solutions from the minimum to the maximum. (all formatted with two digits after decimal point)

\darr Sample \darr

Sample Input

1 -5 -4 20

Sample Output

-2.00 2.00 5.00

H 5.2: FamilyR


Most of the intended desciption is the same as H 4.2, so here is a list of differences:

  • Any couple is treated as two persons, and they share their assets;
  • Any person can have zero, one, or two parent(s) on the tree;
  • Ancestors can only use assets from their descendants who has gender 11 and who has gender 00 and have not married;
  • There will be names that appear before declaration;
  • Only add the assets of one person once;
  • A couple do not have to have different genders, but there can be only one partner at maximum for anyone;
  • Parents of a person is a couple by default;
  • Any person has no asset by default;
  • Parent(s) and partner of a person can be set for more than one time;
  • Any married person does not have any descendant who has one parent;
  • Even if a couple changes, their relations to descendants do not change.

\darr Format \darr

  • Input Format
    • Line 11 contains an integer nn, the number of operations.
    • Line 1+i1+i contains a string sis_i, the operation command.
    • The format of the operation command string follows:
      • 1 p g: the person named pp who has a gender gg has no parent on the tree;
      • 2 a p g: the person named aa is the only parent of the person named pp who has a gender gg;
      • 3 a b p g: the two persons named aa and bb are parents of the person named pp who has a gender gg;
      • 4 a b: the two persons named aa and bb are a couple;
      • 5 p x: the person named pp has assets valued xx;
      • 6 a: print all available assets of the person named aa.
    • Ranges: n[1,28]n\in[1,2^8], i[1,n]i\in[1,n], g[0,1]g\in[0,1]
  • Output Format
    • There are mm lines of output, and every line contains an integer which is all available assets of the required person.
    • Range: m[0,n]m\in[0,n]

\darr Sample \darr

Sample Input (SCROLL)

4 Kevin Cindy
4 Mike Daisy
4 Robert Roberta
1 Mark 1
2 Mark Mike 1
3 Robert Roberta Dale 1
2 Dale Daisy 0
3 Mike Daisy Emma 0
2 Mark Kevin 1
1 Robert 1
1 Roberta 0
3 Robert Roberta Cindy 0
3 Kevin Cindy Fran 1
5 Mark 3
5 Robert 5
5 Roberta 3
5 Mike 5
5 Kevin 8
5 Cindy 7
5 Fran 4
5 Dale 9
5 Daisy 2
5 Emma 6
6 Dale
6 Daisy
6 Mike
6 Mark

Sample Output


\darr Explaination \darr

  • Query 1: Dale/A=Dale+Daisy=11\text{Dale/A}=\text{Dale}+\text{Daisy}=11
  • Query 2: Daisy/A=Daisy+Mike+Emma=13\text{Daisy/A}=\text{Daisy}+\text{Mike}+\text{Emma}=13
  • Query 3: Mike/A=Daisy/A=13\text{Mike/A}=\text{Daisy/A}=13
  • Query 4: Mark/A=Mark+Mike/A+Kevin+Cindy+Fran=3+13+8+7+4=35\text{Mark/A}=\text{Mark}+\text{Mike/A}+\text{Kevin}+\text{Cindy}+\text{Fran}=3+13+8+7+4=35

H 6.1: Schedule

  • Description
    • There are nn courses on the schedule and mm pairs as pp of conditions
    • For p=(a,b)p=(a, b), course aa cannot be taken simutaniously with course bb
    • For p=(a,b)p=(-a, b), if course aa is not taken, bb cannot be taken
    • Similar conditions applies to p=(a,b)p=(a, -b) and p=(a,b)p=(-a, -b)
    • Please find if there is any conflict in the schedule
    • If not, give a possible solution that satisfies all conditions
  • Input (line number LL)
    • L=1L=1: two integers nn, number of variables, and mm, number of conditions
    • L=2L=n+1L=2\rarr L=n+1: two integers aa and bb
  • Output (line number LL)
    • L=2L=2: nn integers xix_i (xi[0,1]x_i\in [0,1]) for the condition (true or false) of the ii-th course for a valid set of solution

\darr Sample \darr

Sample Input #1

2 3
1 2
2 -1
-1 -2

Sample Output #1

0 1

Sample Input #2

2 4
1 2
-1 2
1 -2
-1 -2

Sample Output #2


H 6.2: Score

  • Description
    • Scores of the AP course should be curved. You are given a list of students, and please curve the score for every student.
    • Grade levels include A (> 2 sd), B (≤ 2 sd, > 1 sd), C+ (≤ 1 sd, > 0), C- (≤ 0, > -1 sd), D (≤ -1 sd, > -2 sd), and F (≤ -2 sd) with equal width values on the normal distribution graph.
  • Input (line number LL)
    • L=1L=1: an integer nn, number of operations
    • L=2L=n+1L=2\rarr L=n+1: operations (sequence is not guaranteed)
  • Operations (a: String, b: double)
    • 1 a b: Student a has a raw score b
    • 2 a: Get the info of student a (name, curved level, percentile, and raw score) (if a is not exist, do nothing)
    • 3: Get the info of the class (average raw score, average percentile, and standard deviation)

\darr Resources \darr


  • Basic z-score Formula for One Sample: z=xμσz=\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma} (μ\mu: mean, σ\sigma: standard deviation)
  • Download for Package org.apache.commons.math3: https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-math/download_math.cgi
  • Sample Command
    • javac -cp "commons-math3.jar" Score.java
    • Unix: java -cp "commons-math3.jar:." Score
    • Windows: java -cp "commons-math3.jar;." Score
  • Sample Code Snippet
import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.*;

double zScoreToPercentile(double zScore) {
    double percentile = 0;
    NormalDistribution dist = new NormalDistribution();
    percentile = dist.cumulativeProbability(zScore) * 100;
    return percentile;

\darr Sample \darr

Sample Input

1 A 96
1 B 98
1 C 95
1 D 94
1 E 99
1 F 93
2 A
2 B
2 C
2 D
2 E
2 F

Sample Output

95.83333333333333 49.209559169344416 2.3166067138525404
A C+ 52.867688560363426 96.0
B C+ 82.51769604168065 98.0
C C- 35.952769136435535 95.0
D C- 21.43589840606932 94.0
E B 91.41782334770656 99.0
F D 11.065479523810973 93.0

Thanks for Watching

Presented by TU RUIXUAN
Copyright © TU RUIXUAN, All Rights Reserved

AP® Computer Science A Series